Monday, February 12, 2018

Lines, Shapes, and Fingers

After playing with lines of light and creating some interesting light forms, Emery used words he found inspiring in this week's class poem to create his own composition.

Here is a picture of the ceiling with laser light reflecting off of it after being shone through a bottle of seltzer water.

Another picture of the ceiling, this time being illuminated by a flashlight being shone through the bottle of seltzer water.  Also notice the hint of a rainbow (the orange in the center).

"Mr. Skeleton" with a rainbow in his chest--another light pattern made by shining a flashlight through the bottle of seltzer water.

Lines from this week's poem, Summer Sun, by Robert Louis Stevenson inspired this image.
"Yet he will find a chink or two
To slip his golden fingers through"


  1. How did you get it to look like fingers?!

    1. He traced and cut out the shape of his fingers. It was more composition than experimentation.

  2. We want to know how you did all of these!

    1. I'm sure Emery would love to explain it. Maybe I can get his comments and add them to the post.
